Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weight Loss Motivation As You Continue On Your Journey

If Your Making Healthy Choices, Your Off To A Good Start

A lot of times we get impatient to see results on the scale and tend to get a little discouraged with the healthy changes we've been making when the scale doesn't reflect what we've been doing. We forget to think about how we've been feeling. Do you feel healthier? Do you have more energy? Think of those as accomplishments too. Even if the scale is staying at a standstill.. just remember how far you've come. Don't look at how much weight you have to lose, remember how much you've lost already. 

Not everyone's journey is the same. Some people may drop it making small changes, while others lose slowly. It's all a process of finding out what works for you. I know I don't lose a lot of weight all at once. I have to remind myself to be patient from time to time. I'll drop a pound.. gain a pound, lose it a little at a time in ounces. Then I'll drop 3 pounds over night, and not lose anything the whole next week. Try not to be discouraged by the scale, and if it does bother you that much, try to only step on it a week at a time.

Remember it's a journey, a learning process. It's your personal journey, about you. Find healthy choices you can live with, and build on it from there. And be proud that you've accomplished these changes once you've made them.

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